Women Who Travel | Condé Nast Traveler

Condé Nast Traveler

Though travel and adventure have historically been publicly claimed by men, women have always been part of those narratives, too. Each week, host and Condé Nast Traveler editor Lale Arikoglu shines a light on some of those stories, interviewing female-identifying guests about their most unique travel tales—from going off-grid in the Danish wilderness to country-hopping solo—sharing her own experiences traveling around the globe, and tapping listeners to contribute their own memorable stories. This is a podcast for anyone who is curious about the world—and excited to explore places both near and far from home. For more from Women Who Travel, visit our website or subscribe to our email newsletter.

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Our Editor's Take

Women Who Travel | Condé Nast Traveler is a travel podcast with a unique vantage point. Many travel shows are from men's point-of-view. This series instead focuses on female travel stories. The podcast especially likes to highlight stories of female solo travel.

The Women Who Travel | Condé Nast Traveler podcast is an official production of Condé Nast Traveler. The venerable travel magazine began in 1987. Since its founding, it has received dozens of National Magazine Awards.

Lale Arikoglu hosts the podcast. She's an editor at Condé Nast Traveler. Arikoglu makes regular appearances in the media. Her work has appeared in Glamour and The Daily Beast. She also served as the travel editor for the New York Observer.

Women Who Travel focuses on a plethora of different travel stories. These stories have a wide-ranging span of areas on which they focus. Some of them involve visiting every national park in the US. A previous episode involves filming episodes of TV shows in England. The show also gives solo travel tips for women.

Arikoglu invites new guests on the podcast each week to share their travel stories. Sometimes, they are fellow travel writers, such as Emily Pennington. Other times, they are actors, such as Arsema Thomas. Their stories of being on the road and seeing far-off destinations are compelling.

Arikoglu is a skilled host and interviewer as well. That allows her to make her guests comfortable and focus on the most exciting parts of their stories. Women Who Travelcelebrates female travel and the desire to learn more about the world.

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